Zoom framing design consultation

Designing your framing project by Zoom lets you choose your custom framing from the comforts of your own home!

Here’s an idea of how it works:

1)   You schedule a Zoom Design Consultation .

2)   You schedule a time to Drop off your item(s) for framing and fill out the Project Intake Form.

3)   You drop your project off at the shop.

4)   During our scheduled Zoom design consultation, I guide you through the design process.

5)   The shop’s dedicated framing software gives us a price.  If we need to “massage” the design, we do so.

6)   We settle on a design that is appropriate for your piece, in your budget and that looks awesome.

7)    We confirm time lines, design & pricing and we end our Zoom meet.

8)    To confirm your order, you can make a 50% deposit by credit card at the conclusion of our Zoom meet or you can e-transfer the amount to info@walkerworks.ca afterwards.

9)  In either case, you will receive your invoice by email shortly after your Zoom meet for your records.

10)   Materials needed for your project are ordered in.  Please note that backorders for your materials are possible.  You will be notified by email of any delays in your project.

11)   Your project is completed in @ 3 weeks time barring any backordered materials.

12)   You are notified by email that your project is completed and ready for pick-up.  The email includes a photograph and a link to schedule a dedicated pick up time.

13)   You schedule your pick up time either in Shop, by Curb Side pick up or by Lock Shed.

14)   You head directly home to hang up your new framed artwork!

15)   You say nice things about the Walkerworks Experience on Google.

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